Monday, August 30, 2010

A day at the beach

Richard came over to my place yesterday and after he gave me the most awesome present of totally cleaning my bathroom for me we went to the beach...

We snapped pix with my cell phone and I posted them via Twitter... if you didn't know, I'm @jendie. Any surprise there? There shouldn't be.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Famous and from Mt Vernon, WA...

Is it famous, or infamous? Glenn Beck.. Jim Caviezel.

Are there others? I don't know.
Kids grow up so fast, you don't realize it in the beginning, but then it slaps you upside the head!
I got some great news yeaterday, my 17 year old son got his drivers license. In 7 months he'll be 18 and by the end of May 2011 he'll be out of high school.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I just added to my blog. I get my Kindle books for my G1 from there, so why not?

Life happens..

I met someone new. Someone I enjoyed spending time with.

My divorce seems to be going no where. I haven't heard from the GAL regarding her coming back.

Steve moved in with Sam the week I had the GAL home visit, that means he no longer lives in a studio apt, but he still doesn't have a place of his own. Nicolas still share the bedroom with his dad during the time he visits, but at least now Nic says that he has an air mattress to sleep on instead of sharing the bed with his dad. But still no separate room when at his dad's. I have custody, the kids share a room, but have their own beds. I am on the waiting list for a 3 bedroom apartment, I just don't know when I'll get into one.

This year Justin only spent 3 weeks with me during his summer vacation. I'm not sure when he'll be back up here, either Thanksgiving or Christmas.. I can only dream about both. Since he's having surgery sometime this winter, I know he won't be up here during that time.

Nicolas starts school in a couple of weeks.. Brandon in about a month. Yippee!! more daytime fun for mom.. unless I go back to school.