Monday, October 15, 2012

Latest update... 10/15/2012

I have my laptop back!!!

Now I'm posting using my MiFi device... whoopee!!!

I've been knitting a red hat for my own personal use. I hope I'll be able to get some yellow yarn to make a hat for Nicolas. I'll need larger needles, it will be fun.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Grrr... I am pissed.

It's time for me to sic the legal authorities on my ex! He owes me $1100 and has stopped paying.

I guess it's time to call the sheriff! My divorce decree says that he can pay me $100 a month until the whole $1500 is paid off. It also says he has to pay 12% interest.

I wish I had a lawyer!  If I had had one to represent me when I got divorced, I would have fared better.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Just about jumped out of my skin!

I had this hanging picture in one of my windows. It was hung on one of those suction cup hangers... the darn suction cup lost suction and the wooden picture fell down onto the window sill!

That startled me so badly I nearly wet my pants!

Nothing is broken... I think I'll grab my book and head to bed now.


Good morning!

Actually, it's closer to lunch time. I need more coffee creamer... they don't have anything suitable at the store across the street from my new place. They do have a cappuccino machine, though... hmmmmmm maybe I'll drink that tomorrow.