Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Dreaming of washable wool

I'm ready to get started on my fall and winter knitting projects. My head is filled with ideas of lighter weight wool hats for everyone. I have some patterns to use, plus I use Ravelry for new ideas.

I made Nicolas a hat last year and am thinking about knitting up more, similar hats. It's a nice rib knit beanie.

The yellow hat is the one I made for Nic, but worn by me. The red hats shown in the pictures is the same hat, worn 2 different ways.

Merrily I go along.... knitting.


Here is what Cathy sent me about Dad's progress, during his recovery from the stroke.

"Now that I am home full-time, we have settled into a routine. He gets stronger every day and we are starting to get out more (doctor, physical therapy, bank, barber, Verizon, Fry's Electronics, restaurants, etc.) I am getting pretty proficient at hauling the wheelchair into the back seat. The BMW trunk is too tight a space.
Physical Therapy has been suspended temporarily.
Don's vision has been identified as the most likely culprit at the center of his dizziness and balance difficulties, which has been the biggest obstacle to him walking. He also has cataracts that are bad enough to fix.  So, the next step is cataract surgeries. He will have the worse eye (left) done on Monday, 8/26 and the right done on Monday, 9/16. It will not correct the double vision, but will help his focus in PT if he is not also struggling to see where he is going. Then, hopefully, upon his return to PT his eye exercises will eventually retrain the brain. All the specialists seemed to agree that cataract surgery would help."

Keeping my dad and his wife in my positive, healing thoughts.


Friday, August 23, 2013

Pumpkin Dog Biscuits

Here is a Pumpkin Recipe that is healthy for them Cleo’s Pumpkin Dog Biscuits

2 eggs
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
2 tablespoons dry milk
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
2 1/2 cups brown rice flour *
1 teaspoon dried parsley (optional)

Preheat oven to 350.

In large bowl, whisk together eggs and pumpkin to smooth. Stir in dry milk, sea salt, and dried parsley (if using, optional). Add brown rice flour gradually, combining with spatula or hands to form a stiff, dry dough. Turn out onto lightly floured surface (can use the brown rice flour) and if dough is still rough, briefly knead and press to combine.

Roll dough between 1/4 – 1/2″ – depending on your dog’s chew preferences, – and use biscuit or other shape cutter to punch shapes, gathering and re-rolling scraps as you go. Place shapes on cookie sheet, no greasing or paper necessary. If desired, press fork pattern on biscuits before baking, a quick up-and-down movement with fork, lightly pressing down halfway through dough. Bake 20 minutes. Remove from oven and carefully turn biscuits over, then bake additional 20 minutes. Allow to cool completely on rack before feeding to dog.

* Brown rice flour gives the biscuits crunch and promotes better dog digestion. Many dogs have touchy stomachs or allergies, and do not, like many people I know, tolerate wheat.

Makes up to 75 small (1″) biscuits or 50 medium biscuits

A friend posted this recipe on Facebook.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Mom's Homemade Super Laundry Sauce

Mom's Homemade Super Laundry Sauce

One Single tablespoon does a whole load of wash!

Here is an amazingly simple Do It Yourself detergent that doesn't leave any residue on clothing, gets nearly every stain known to man out the first time around and smells clean and fresh- oh and did I mention that it costs about $1.76 for 128 loads of laundry?
Since our teen son started working at a fast food restaurant, this has become our most-loved detergent recipe. His clothing was so saturated with heavy french fry and onion ring grease scent that even washing them in TIDE didn't take out the horrendous smell. I whipped up a half gallon of this detergent and washed his clothes while he was at school- he thought I'd gotten a new shirt from his boss at work! First time EVER that ALL of the smell finally came out of his clothes, without further à deux - here is my Super Laundry Sauce recipe!

As with ALL household/Soap/Detergent/ Cleaner recipes, please take the time to read through the ENTIRE recipe before starting it. It will save you loads of hassle with a recipe that doesn't set properly.

~ This makes 1/2 Gallon of concentrate ~
~ Btw, that's a full 128 loads of laundry!! ~

1 bar Fels Naptha (Yes, the ENTIRE Bar!)
1 cup 20 Mule Team Borax
1 cup Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (NOT BAKING SODA!!)
4 cups of hot water

Thursday, August 1, 2013

All-In-One Magic Bathroom Cleaner

  • All-In-One Magic Bathroom Cleaner
    Seriously... Just do it. You will never buy another store bought cleaner again. This stuff is amazing. I could rave about it all day, but then you'd be sitting here reading what I have to say instead of making it. So go make some now! And SHARE it on your page so your friends can make it too!! Feel free to friend request or follow me on facebook so you don't miss any of the awesome recipes I share Jessica Reichenbach
    What you need:
    -1 Professional Spray Bottle (it is worth the extra $1, trust me!)
    -8 oz. Distilled White Vinegar
    -4 oz. Lemon Juice
    -2 oz. Liquid Soap (I use Dawn)
    -2 tsp. Baking Soda
    -10 oz water

    To Mix:
    Add the Baking Soda and Vinegar FIRST and let it fizzle out before adding the rest of the ingredients because it will foam. Funnel in all the ingredients, squeeze out the suds, screw on your cap and go make your bathroom sparkle!

    To Use:
    Clear the surfaces, use toilet tissue to wipe off any dirt, hair, spilled liquids, ect. Using the lightest spray setting, spray down everything- sink, counter, mirror, faucets, tub and the whole toilet, inside and out. I let it sit while I sweep the floor. I then use a microfiber cloth to wipe down the surfaces from the cleanest to the dirtiest. In our house that means mirror, faucets, sink, tub/shower and then the toilet. Be sure to rinse out the tub/shower really well so it isn't slippery.

    Stubborn stains in your tub?
    Whether its a dirt ring at the top or dirt stuck in the textured bottom, this will solve your problem! Spray down the problem area heavily, and then using a sponge with a non-scratch scrubber, scrub in a circular motion. Again, rinse very well and then put on your shades because its going to be shiny. 

    I found this on Facebook and am looking forward to using it!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Bleh, it's hot outside.... it's hot inside, too.

I want to create something, just not sure what to make...

A new dishcloth? Yeah, I could do that.

Work on the cowl/scarf for Maggie? I could do that.

Work on my crochet projects that  are in varying stages of incomplete? I could do that.

Sit on my ass and whine in my blog?  That's what I'm doing, right now!!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Geneaology research and findings...

My dad's dad- Robert Louis Gach born in 1915 in MI - died in 1982 in CA,  his dad's name was Alfred and was  born 1880 in Bavaria. His wife was Hilda.

Recap- Alfred Gach born in Bavaria in 1880... Married to Hilda

Their son Robert Louis Gach born in Michigan in 1915, married to June (Bock) Gach (1918-1981)

They had 3 children - Patricia, Donald (see below) and Penelope

My father Donald Richard Gach, born 10-9-1943, in Michigan

My dad married my mom, Jeanne Shields,
They had 2 children, Wendy Diane (3-26-1969) and my sister Kimberly Jean (5-5-1970 - 12-18-2006)

I had 3 children - Brandon(1-27-1991) , Justin (3-24-1993), and Nicolas (2-12-2001).

Kim had 1 child (Gabriel Kenneth Crook born March 7, 2003)before her death in 2006.

This is kind of scattered, but the best I have so far.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Stain remover

Here is a cleaning recipe I found on Facebook-

The ultimate stain remover that actually works on a seriously set in stain! Never buy oxy clean again!
The mixture is
1 tsp. Dawn dishwashing detergent
3-4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide
couple tablespoons of baking soda.
Scrub on with a scrubbing brush
Share this on your wall to save it and come join my group for healthy recipes, tips and more @

Monday, May 27, 2013

32 years...

After 32 years of dealing with a menstrual cycle... I had my first embarrassing start. I was at a friends house and my boyfriend tells me, "I think you just started your period". I was wearing khaki shorts and sure enough, I had just started.

This had never happened to me before.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The newest about my dad

Dad is finally home, trying to resume "normal" life since his stroke in January of this year. He has daytime caregivers while his wife works during the day. Cathy, my step-mom, is a high school principal and will be retiring this year. Dad has been wanting her to do this for years and she finally will be doing it. I don't know how much the stroke played in the timing of this.

Monday, May 6, 2013

It's here, the warm weather is back

So far today, it's 71 degrees outside before 10 am.

Monday, April 22, 2013

My fractured ankle

It dawned on me the other day that it's been 2 years since I fractured my left ankle.

I am so glad that I no longer live in a townhouse apartment.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Water cleanses

SPRING CLEANSE ~ YOUR BODY ~ Yes another post about water lol. But if you really want to cleanse then DRINK, DRINK, DRINK. Here are 8 home made vitamin water recipes to help you keep the water flowing!

As a rule, you should try to avoid as much as possible industrial food and beverages

1) The classical : lemon/cucumber:
Mix in a pitcher: 10 cups of water + 1 cucumber and a lemon, thinly sliced + 1/4 cup fresh finely chopped basil leaf + 1/3 of finely chopped fresh mint leaves. Leave in the refrigerator overnight before serving.

2) The granite : Strawberry/Lime or Raspberry/Lime
Mix in a pitcher : 10 cups of water + 6 strawberries / 0r Raspberries and one thinly sliced lime + 12 finely chopped fresh mint leaves. Leave in the refrigerator overnight before serving.

3) The digestive : Fennel/citrus
First: infuse 1 to 3 grams of dried and crushed fennel in 150 ml of boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Allow to cool.
Mix in a pitcher: 10 cups of water + lemon juice (put the leftover lemon in the mix) + a small thinly sliced orange + 12 fresh chopped mint leaves + the infusion of fennel seeds. Leave in refrigerator overnight before serving.

4) The antiOX : Blackberry/Sage
Note that a part from the berries, sage leafs is the herb that has the highest antioxidant content.
Mix in a pitcher : 10 cups of water + 1 cup of blackberries that have been very slightly crushed + 3-4 sage leaves. Leave in refrigerator overnight before serving.

5) WATERmelon : watermelon/Rosemary
Mix in a pitcher : 10 cups of water + 1 cup of watermelon cut into cubes + 2 rosemary stems. Leave in refrigerator overnight before serving.

6) The exotic : Pineapple/Mint
Mix in a pitcher : 10 cups of water + 1 cup of pineapple cut into cubes + 12 fresh mint leaves finely chopped. Leave in the refrigerator overnight before serving.

7) The traditional : Appel/cinnamon
Mix in a pitcher : 10 cups of water + 1 cup of apple cut into cubes + 2 cinnamon sticks + 2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Leave in the refrigerator overnight before serving.

8.) The zingibir : Ginger/tea
In advance: heat 1 teaspoon of ginger in two cups of tea, let it cool down.

Mix in a pitcher: 10 cups of water with two cups of the ginger tea + 4-5 pieces of fresh ginger cut into cubes. Leave in the refrigerator overnight before serving.

PLEASE SHARE :) To SAVE this recipe, be sure to click SHARE so it will store on your personal page.

For more healthy recipes, tips, motivation and fun, join us here

Bacon wrapped chicken breasts

Bacon Wrapped, Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breasts:

1 boneless skinless chicken breast
2 tablespoons cream cheese
1 tablespoon green onion, Chopped
2 pieces bacon, Partially Cooked


Pound out Chicken breast so it is about 1/4" thick.

Mix together cream cheese and green onions and spread cheese mixture over 1 side of chicken breast.

Roll Chicken breast up to conceal  cream cheese.

Wrap partially cooked bacon around chicken breast and secure with toothpick.

Place on baking sheet and back for about 30 minutes at 375.

Broil for about 5 minute to crisp bacon.

I found this on Facebook, then copy/pasted it here in my blog because it looks like something I'd like to make. It was credited to

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cheesy Bacon Bombs

Bacon Bombs:
1 can (8ct.) Pillsbury Grands Flaky
Layers Biscuits
Cubed Mozzarella Cheese (1-1″ cube
per Bomb)
2 lbs. of Bacon (1 slice per Bomb)
Oil for frying (I used Canola)
Cube up the Cheese, and cut each
Biscuit into fourths. Place one piece of
Cheese inside a Biscuit quarter, and
roll it up in there, nice and tight…
Wrap each rolled Bomb in a slice of
Bacon, and secure it with a skewer or
In a med/large pot, heat up approx.
2″ of Oil (to 350 degrees) and fry them
up in small batches. Maybe one or
two at a time, the oil will expand so
stay close…
Drain them on some Paper Towel, but
serve them up good and warm. YUM!!

Someone posted this on Facebook and I decided that this is what I want to take to the Bacon Bash in July.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Blah, blah, blah...

Blah, blah, blah... I'm whining again.

My period has gone AWOL.... it hasn't been around since mid-late February. I get twinges that are like menstrual cramps and I think I've finally started, but when check after using the toilet, it's still not here.

I'm NOT pregnant. I've had my tubes tied for 10 years.... My mom went through menopause at 48... I'm 44, now.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Quick mini pies

QUICK DINNER -- Create Your Own Signature Mini Pie (and an easy way to get rid of leftovers!)

Mix 1/2 cup of Bisquick, 1/2 Cup of Milk, and 2 eggs together for a base. (put about 1 tablespoon in each muffin cup)

Top with about 1/4 cup of any "fillings" you want. - Cheeseburger, Pizza, BLT, Chicken and Veggies, etc.... You can mix it up in the pan (any meat should already be cooked)

Then top with one more tablespoon of the "Bisquick Mixture" - and bake at 375 for 25-30. It's a great way to get rid of your leftovers! These can also be frozen! Just pop them into the microwave for a quick meal on the go!
Recipe from Betty Crocker

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Creamy Cilantro dressing or dipping sauce

    1/2 cup chopped cilantro leaves
    green onions, white and green parts
    juice of 1 lemon (3-4 tablespoons)
    1/2 teaspoon black pepper
    6 ounces nonfat Greek yogurt

Newest update my step-mom emailed to me

 "All of a sudden the progress seems to be leaping forward. For the first time yesterday, Don had a firm grip using his right hand. Yesterday he could not reach his mouth with that hand, today he can. He says they worked on that arm today.
Today he walked across the room with a walker!! He says they have turned up the heat to get him out of here. I think he is also worried about the insurance running out. Whatever the motivation, I'm excited to start seeing daily progress again. He is exhausted when I see him, but he seems to be more upbeat. I think he is getting excited about his progress. More later.

Yay for the great update!
Thanks Cathy.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Stackable washer/dryer unit

I was hoping to buy the washer/dryer this past weekend, but I decided to get caught up on my bills. I will be setting aside half the cost on the 1st of March, then will have the other half in April... this way I won't be flat broke in the month of March, just so I can do my own laundry again. I'll wait and let Tom do my laundry until I have my new set up. I am so lucky to have Tom in my life.

Update on my dad

My dad is well... had a bit of a setback last week, where he was vomiting almost every time he moved, but by Wednesday he was doing much better. Getting stronger and stronger with no more vomiting.


I ache all over. The muscles on my left side just ache. My neck, my shoulder, my back, my leg. Did anyone get the license plate number of the truck that hit me???

This makes sleeping very difficult.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Went to the doctor

I went to the doctor the other day because of extreme pain in my right thumb. My dr passed it off as caused by all the knitting and crocheting I've been doing lately, but the more I reflect on it I'm starting to wonder if it is somehow related to MS and my menstrual cycle. I'm also experiencing increased spasticity in my legs, neck, and back.

I originally wrote this in 2014

Monday, February 11, 2013

Stand mixer

I want a Kitchenaide stand mixer..... I'm looking forward to buying one in the spring.


I sold my dryer today! This won't really help with getting the stackable set, but it will help with other things I need to buy... like dog food.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

When do boys stop doing stupid things?

A question I answered on a website today:
When do boys stop doing stupid things?

My response:
Some in their mid 20s, some after their last stupid thing kills them.
I sold my washing machine today... I put an ad on Craigslist and it was sold fast.

I wish my dryer would sell, too.... *pout*
I put an ad up for it on the same day as when I listed my washer.... but no responses yet.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Feeling like a ninja... Transninja.

I read this interesting article today.

Monday, January 7, 2013

My dad just called to tell me that he is going in for brain surgery on Friday... there is a clot that they are going to try to clear and put in a stent.

Best wishes, Dad!

Cool YouTube video

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I hope all my friends and family have a happy new year!!

I'm hoping I'll find more yarn to work with... I've been having fun knitting wool hats... I've made one for @Tom, one for myself, and now Nicolas wants one. Yay!!

I still need some pix of the hats I made...