Thursday, December 17, 2009

Things I don't want to lose track of

Justin's siglines that I love-

Current one- "Everybody run! The calculator has become self-aware! And it's questioning its existence!"

Previous faves- "I'm not stealing, I'm just borrowing without asking and no intention to return it."

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I cut my hair today.. I'm not sure how bad a job I did of it.. I just put it into a ponytail and whacked off about 4 inches. My regular hairdresser, my mom, has been unwell these past few weeks, so it's not like I can have her do it for me.. I just wouldn't ask that of her.

Someday I'll have to get over my fear of going to someone else to cut my hair..and be like most people. Not everyone has a family member who is a licensed barber/cosmetologist. But my mom has been doing hair on and off for about 40 years- basically my whole life.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I had a good appointment at physical therapy today... I saw the PT assistant, Martin. He cracks me up.. always making me laugh. This makes doing the strengthening exercises that much more enjoyable. I was put in the "cage" to do some stretches... the cage was fun. A whole lot more fun than the shoulder exercises. I hope I'll be able to move my arm tomorrow... we shall see.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Physical Therapy

I saw my neurologist in November. He referred me to a physical therapist because I'm having problems with not being able to lift my right arm out to the side without a lot of pain. Plus I'm having gait problems, so this is also being addressed.

He had me do these exercises during my last appointment... MAN did those make my shoulder ACHE, but by after I went back to the examination room I got such a wonderful massage in that area.

If only the man I'm married to would massage my knotted muscles to help me combat the pain I live with daily.. Massage works so much better than the drugs I take for it.
