Monday, June 24, 2019

Getting infusion #1 of 2 on Thursday...

I'm getting closer to top surgery. I'll be getting this infusion, then the next one in 2 weeks. After infusion #2, I have to wait 4 weeks before I have surgery to minimize the risk of post surgical infection. Infusion #2 is scheduled for 11 July, so beginning of August is the approximate time frame for my top surgery. So a little more than 6 weeks from now

I'm about as giddy as a kid during the holidays. Complete with an ear to ear grin every time I think about it.

~ Drew

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Another hurdle successfully managed...

I saw Dr Fine, the Neuro-Psychiatrist Dr Repovic referred me to so I could see a specialist who could answer the questions my insurance wanted answered before they would approve my top surgery on 6 June 2019. Now it comes down to when I get my Rituxin Infusions which are scheduled for June 27 and July 11. As per what Dr Repovic commented about my MS medications and surgery, waiting 4 weeks after my infusion would reduce the risk of post surgical infection. This sounds like I will be cleared for surgery in August. Specifics not currently determined yet. I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl.