Friday, August 23, 2013

Pumpkin Dog Biscuits

Here is a Pumpkin Recipe that is healthy for them Cleo’s Pumpkin Dog Biscuits

2 eggs
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
2 tablespoons dry milk
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
2 1/2 cups brown rice flour *
1 teaspoon dried parsley (optional)

Preheat oven to 350.

In large bowl, whisk together eggs and pumpkin to smooth. Stir in dry milk, sea salt, and dried parsley (if using, optional). Add brown rice flour gradually, combining with spatula or hands to form a stiff, dry dough. Turn out onto lightly floured surface (can use the brown rice flour) and if dough is still rough, briefly knead and press to combine.

Roll dough between 1/4 – 1/2″ – depending on your dog’s chew preferences, – and use biscuit or other shape cutter to punch shapes, gathering and re-rolling scraps as you go. Place shapes on cookie sheet, no greasing or paper necessary. If desired, press fork pattern on biscuits before baking, a quick up-and-down movement with fork, lightly pressing down halfway through dough. Bake 20 minutes. Remove from oven and carefully turn biscuits over, then bake additional 20 minutes. Allow to cool completely on rack before feeding to dog.

* Brown rice flour gives the biscuits crunch and promotes better dog digestion. Many dogs have touchy stomachs or allergies, and do not, like many people I know, tolerate wheat.

Makes up to 75 small (1″) biscuits or 50 medium biscuits

A friend posted this recipe on Facebook.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Mom's Homemade Super Laundry Sauce

Mom's Homemade Super Laundry Sauce

One Single tablespoon does a whole load of wash!

Here is an amazingly simple Do It Yourself detergent that doesn't leave any residue on clothing, gets nearly every stain known to man out the first time around and smells clean and fresh- oh and did I mention that it costs about $1.76 for 128 loads of laundry?
Since our teen son started working at a fast food restaurant, this has become our most-loved detergent recipe. His clothing was so saturated with heavy french fry and onion ring grease scent that even washing them in TIDE didn't take out the horrendous smell. I whipped up a half gallon of this detergent and washed his clothes while he was at school- he thought I'd gotten a new shirt from his boss at work! First time EVER that ALL of the smell finally came out of his clothes, without further à deux - here is my Super Laundry Sauce recipe!

As with ALL household/Soap/Detergent/ Cleaner recipes, please take the time to read through the ENTIRE recipe before starting it. It will save you loads of hassle with a recipe that doesn't set properly.

~ This makes 1/2 Gallon of concentrate ~
~ Btw, that's a full 128 loads of laundry!! ~

1 bar Fels Naptha (Yes, the ENTIRE Bar!)
1 cup 20 Mule Team Borax
1 cup Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (NOT BAKING SODA!!)
4 cups of hot water

Thursday, August 1, 2013

All-In-One Magic Bathroom Cleaner

  • All-In-One Magic Bathroom Cleaner
    Seriously... Just do it. You will never buy another store bought cleaner again. This stuff is amazing. I could rave about it all day, but then you'd be sitting here reading what I have to say instead of making it. So go make some now! And SHARE it on your page so your friends can make it too!! Feel free to friend request or follow me on facebook so you don't miss any of the awesome recipes I share Jessica Reichenbach
    What you need:
    -1 Professional Spray Bottle (it is worth the extra $1, trust me!)
    -8 oz. Distilled White Vinegar
    -4 oz. Lemon Juice
    -2 oz. Liquid Soap (I use Dawn)
    -2 tsp. Baking Soda
    -10 oz water

    To Mix:
    Add the Baking Soda and Vinegar FIRST and let it fizzle out before adding the rest of the ingredients because it will foam. Funnel in all the ingredients, squeeze out the suds, screw on your cap and go make your bathroom sparkle!

    To Use:
    Clear the surfaces, use toilet tissue to wipe off any dirt, hair, spilled liquids, ect. Using the lightest spray setting, spray down everything- sink, counter, mirror, faucets, tub and the whole toilet, inside and out. I let it sit while I sweep the floor. I then use a microfiber cloth to wipe down the surfaces from the cleanest to the dirtiest. In our house that means mirror, faucets, sink, tub/shower and then the toilet. Be sure to rinse out the tub/shower really well so it isn't slippery.

    Stubborn stains in your tub?
    Whether its a dirt ring at the top or dirt stuck in the textured bottom, this will solve your problem! Spray down the problem area heavily, and then using a sponge with a non-scratch scrubber, scrub in a circular motion. Again, rinse very well and then put on your shades because its going to be shiny. 

    I found this on Facebook and am looking forward to using it!