Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Dreaming of washable wool

I'm ready to get started on my fall and winter knitting projects. My head is filled with ideas of lighter weight wool hats for everyone. I have some patterns to use, plus I use Ravelry for new ideas.

I made Nicolas a hat last year and am thinking about knitting up more, similar hats. It's a nice rib knit beanie.

The yellow hat is the one I made for Nic, but worn by me. The red hats shown in the pictures is the same hat, worn 2 different ways.

Merrily I go along.... knitting.


Here is what Cathy sent me about Dad's progress, during his recovery from the stroke.

"Now that I am home full-time, we have settled into a routine. He gets stronger every day and we are starting to get out more (doctor, physical therapy, bank, barber, Verizon, Fry's Electronics, restaurants, etc.) I am getting pretty proficient at hauling the wheelchair into the back seat. The BMW trunk is too tight a space.
Physical Therapy has been suspended temporarily.
Don's vision has been identified as the most likely culprit at the center of his dizziness and balance difficulties, which has been the biggest obstacle to him walking. He also has cataracts that are bad enough to fix.  So, the next step is cataract surgeries. He will have the worse eye (left) done on Monday, 8/26 and the right done on Monday, 9/16. It will not correct the double vision, but will help his focus in PT if he is not also struggling to see where he is going. Then, hopefully, upon his return to PT his eye exercises will eventually retrain the brain. All the specialists seemed to agree that cataract surgery would help."

Keeping my dad and his wife in my positive, healing thoughts.
